

Special fertilizer combined - quality and sustainable development

On July 29, 2017 by hainan green raw agricultural materials co., LTD. Held the sixth special fertilizer and water soluble fertilizer development conference on BBS, the SQM named support, Germany Kang Piao fimm China LTD., zhejiang love, knight, guangzhou first benefit agriculture, the Dutch Yi Purun, Qingdao SuoFeng jointly supported by the fifth (SQM) in hainan special fertilizer and water soluble fertilizer development BBS, held in haikou from hainan province all dealers and special fertilizer industry on behalf of more than 200 people were present at the meeting, but Rio tinto, as hainan green life partner, also attended the event.



During the conference delegates a deep discussions about the two topics, the first topic is "if I were a dealer, in how to make the local fat", the second topic is "if I am a retailer, I value marketing keywords, there is no doubt the quality first, quality service, team support, and product differentiation is the focus problem on both sides, but Rio tinto, as a special fertilizer in the field of controlled release fertilizer advanced production manufacturers at the conference with a number of special hypertrophy benefited a lot from my coffee together to discuss, we will also continue to struggle for the safety and sustainable development of China's agriculture to do.


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