

Same nine-year commitment education, why are you so good?

Recently, there is a hot stalk about "show" on the Internet

"Chen duxiu is not as beautiful as you are," "tihua show," "Chinese dream show speak your dream," and so on. Then the comments section will often appear "same nine-year commitment education, why are you so good". Haha, isn't that funny?

Ok, before your smile shrinks, xiao wei will ask the outstanding students this question -- the same nine-year obligation -- why are you so outstanding? ! Drink a lot of "6 walnut", from the fact invites. You're kidding!

Painting style a turn, we enter the professional moment of small only, let small only take you back to visit a few plots, show a show we only release controlled release fertilizer performance, let you feel under ---- also called controlled release fertilizer, why only release so excellent!High temperature weather, the use of only release controlled release fertilizer base fertilizer ginger is still strong seedling!



The return visit of this land parcel is the most intuitive. The application of controlled release fertilizer on ginger root fertilizer showed that the leaves were broad, dark green and deep, conducive to photosynthesis, the stalks were thick and strong, and the ridging was closed early. Controlled release fertilizers of other brands were used in the control areas planted at the same period: the plants were thin, the stalks were thin, the leaves were narrow and small, the photosynthesis was weak, and the nutrient accumulation was low.


May be due to the recent high temperature weather, business partners also tanned skin. According to the eldest brother's words, the skin is not black, is not a qualified farmer.

The whole block, from the ground to the distance, is clearly divided. Plant-film plot was planted later than plant-film plot and was more susceptible to external climate change. However, in the area where only release and controlled release fertilizer was used, it was obvious that the seedling emergence of large ginger should be even. As can be seen from the sparse density on both sides, in the area where only release and controlled release fertilizer was used, the seedling emergence rate was high and the leaves were evenly spread.

In fact, this period of time to visit the land or a lot of small wei here is not a show. From the perspective of the return visit, as long as there was no extreme natural weather that could not withstand, only controlled release fertilizer showed excellent performance after the use, and the seedlings and soil breaking, rooting and ginger bud differentiation in the early stage all won out.

Finally, I would like to share with you the recommended amount for the following return visit to these plots:

Base fertilizer: 2 bags

Small training is divided into two times: the first 2 packets, the second 2 packets, a total of 4 packets.      

Da pei :2 packs.

Fertilization was carried out according to the nutrient absorption law of s-type curve of ginger. 

Finally, let's return to the original topic, is also called controlled release fertilizer, why only release controlled release fertilizer so excellent!

This small only simple to share with you only under the release of controlled-release fertilizer characteristics.

? the unique crf-trar envelop technology of vitol is adopted to control both nitrogen and potassium, so as to control nutrient release more effectively

? add slow-release medium and micro elements to more comprehensively supplement essential nutrients for crop growth

? continuously provide nutrients during the growth period of the crop, with long fertilizer efficiency period, to avoid the occurrence of defattening in the later growth stage of the crop

? slow release of nutrients, safe use, prevent soil salinization

? crf-trar coating can avoid the loss or loss of fertilizer nutrients by rain, with high utilization rate and environmental friendliness

? avoid affecting the normal growth of crops due to late application of fertilizer or failure to apply fertilizer in rainy season

? reduce fertilization times and labor costs

Xi'an Virtor Ecological Agriculture Co., LTD

Telephone: 029-89182243

Technical service hotline: 400-860-2606




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